Time Guardian

Vintage pocket watch parts, rescued copper, tumbled Garnets, recycled leather, quartz, vintage jewellery box.

“Time Guardian” was created as a birthday gift, for my niece, Grace, who is an an accomplished reader, writer, animator and more. Dragons are her current focus, and I made this piece with her in mind. Once the pendant was completed, I invented the runes engraved on the rear – I wanted it to be a bit magic!

Presentation was the next challenge. I found the jewellery box in an opportunity shop, modified the interior to take the pendant and was left with the nine compartment tray to fill. More runes invented and carved into quartz pieces, a translation sheet made and a leather folder to hold it. A steampunk cog on top and voila!

Presented today, it was a joy to watch her open her gift. The quiet “Awesome!” Was the ultimate compliment!

(Oh, and why are they the Runes of Dub L’ell? How do you spell “Lloyd”? Dub L’ell O Y D!)